Mayoral contender Phil Mauger keen to work with Redux and the Arts Centre to bring the Dux de Lux back to Christchurch

Today Christchurch City Councillor and mayoral contender, Phil Mauger met with Sean Stockman, Tim Weston and James Stewart from Redux, the group trying to restore the historic building that housed the Dux de Lux at the Arts Centre.

“It's very sad that this Category 2 historic building, the home of the Dux de Lux, will sit derelict indefinitely. However, I must acknowledge that the Trust Board has done a fantastic job repairing their Category 1 historic buildings with their insurance money. They were clever enough to increase their cover after the first earthquake.

“It’s not for me to tell the Arts Centre Trust Board how to do their job, but on the face of it rejecting the 50-year lease offer from Redux looks like a short-sighted decision, however I am not privy to all the details. 

“The group behind the lease offer are incredibly competent people with a proven track record in our city.

“I have learnt more about the proposal from Redux today. If elected Mayor, I would be very keen to work with the Trust Board and Redux to get the building restored and bring the Dux de Lux back to Christchurch. The Council has used a similar lease model to that proposed by Redux. The Old Municipal Chambers was restored by Box 112 with outstanding results.

“The Council has already committed to several key investments for arts and culture in the city, including a capital grant of $5.5 million for the Arts Centre in our long-term plan. The Arts Centre is New Zealand's largest collection of Category One buildings.

“However, we must get input from our community before any decision is made.  Our community must always have a say in deciding Council's spending priorities and commitments, after all it is ratepayers' money we are spending,” says Phil Mauger.


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