Councillor Phil Mauger supports local resident groups stand on government-imposed planning changes

Mayoral candidate Councillor Phil Mauger is supporting the stand Christchurch resident associations are adopting concerning the government’s medium density housing planning changes.

Recently residents’ groups across Christchurch joined together to ask city councillors to defy the Government’s new housing intensification laws.

“On September 8 the planning changes will be presented to councillors to pass. While we cannot change this law, I will be voting against giving effect to these planning changes,” says Phil Mauger.

The new housing intensification laws are being brought in by the government and are supported by the National Party.

“I categorically do not support the medium density housing change rules,” says Phil Mauger. “But like the resident’s associations, I support well planned, balanced residential intensification where it is needed, like the central city, and only after communities have been properly consulted.

“This new legislation includes Government-directed medium density residential standards which will apply across the city and allow the construction of three townhouses of up to three storeys each on almost all residential sites without gaining resource consent.

“These rules are being imposed upon the country by the Government without listening to councils or the public. This one-size-fits-all approach does not work for Christchurch,” says Phil Mauger.

Public feedback on these changes has mainly been negative.

“Our staff have developed a plan change to implement the requirements under the National Policy Statement on Urban Development and amendments to the Resource Management Act.

“These changes will rezone almost all of Christchurch for medium and high-density housing. While I agree that there is a need to intensify residential housing in our city, the current provision in our District plan allows for that.

“I also believe councils should have the entire discretion over qualifying areas. We know what works in our city.”


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